January DGS Luncheon: Jon McKenna on January 30th – A week away!!!

01/30/2025 @ 11:30 am – 1:15 pm


Date(s) - 01/30/2025
11:30 am - 1:15 pm

Wynkoop Brewing Company


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he Pay by Check option at checkout so we can get a good headcount.

Optimizing Return on Investment and Estimated Ultimate Recovery through Advanced MicroSeismic Monitoring Techniques

Jonathan P. McKenna, William Barker, MicroSeismic, Inc.


Case studies are presented to evaluate Return On Investment (ROI) for monitoring microseismicity associated with hydruaulic stimulation of wells. Time-dependent stress shadow effects cause rotation of principal stress and re

duction of stress anisotropy. Over time, stress returns to the virgin reservoir stress. Focal mechanisms are analyzed to evaluate the dynamically changing stress field and identify fracture sets/faults reactivated in real time. Operators can take advantage of these time-dependent effects by properly repressurizing parent wells prior to treating child wells, avoiding wellbore-casing deformation by identifying faults and skipping stages that intersect fault projections, and changing well spacing to maximize the number of wells per drilling spacing unit DSU).


ROI is calculated based on improved Estimated Ultimate Recovery (EUR) compared to local production type curves for situations such as successfully refracturing wells where microseismicity extends from heel to toe of wells and when repressurization of parent wells effectively contains fractures to the adjacent child well targets. In addition, successful identification of geohazards resulting in skipping stages along the lateral can be used to identify percentage of wellbores that are protected. In addition, reduction of well spacing is evaluated in terms of EUR uplift per DSU.

Results and Conclusions

A significant ROI can be obtained by proper evaluation of microseismic focal mechanisms. This includes EUR uplift of 35% by successful refracturing parent wells and uplift of 25% by effectively containing child well treatments by properly repressurizing parent wells prior to treating child wells. Furthermore, skipping stages identified as being susceptible to wellbore casing deformation saves as much as $2M/well. Additionally, EUR uplift of 30% can be achieved by drilling the appropriate number of wells per DSU.


Operators can take advantage of time-dependent stress shadow effects that can be quantified using advanced analytical techniques of microseismic focal mechanisms. Furthermore, geohazard avoidance is possible through real-time microseismic monitoring. In addition, maximizing number of wells per DSU increases production and allows operators to drill and complete their acerage correctly the first time through without the need for refracturing old parent wells and drilling child wells. These efficiencies lead to significant production gains and savings.



Ticket Type Price Spaces
Member Registration $25.00 N/A
Non-Member Registration $35.00
Talk Only $5.00
Student Registration $10.00
Speaker Ticket $0.00 N/A

Registration Information

Booking Summary

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