Hydraulic Fracturing has been a hot topic of debate with strong opinions on all sides and varying “facts” We understand and support the urgency of educating the public with factual, non-partisan data so we have decided to publish the following links for you to share with friends, family, neighbors, and anyone interested in learning more about Hyrdaulic Fracturing.
Frac TV is a two-part video series that explores the pro’s and con’s of Hyraulic Fracturing. Each series is aproximately 30 minutes and features a panel of experts that represent all facets of the topic.
FracFocus is an organization managed by the Ground Water Protection Council and Interstate Oil and Gas Compact Commission to provide the public with information about Hyrdaulic Fracturing occuring at nearby sites. In addition, they provide “objective information on hydraulic fracturing, the chemicals used, the purposes they serve and the means by which groundwater is protected.”