Register now or miss this year’s 3DSS!
Omicron is down and Denver has dropped mask mandates. Come to downtown Denver to network with colleagues, meet with exhibitors, and debate where our profession is heading. See how seismic interpretation has evolved while the Coronavirus has been mutating and most of us were working from home. Presentations of the latest 3d seismic case histories from the Permian, Marcellus, Rocky Mountains, and Colombia make you think of new ways to apply geophysics to geologic problems. Plus, we have two special guest speakers:
- Kickoff Speaker- Klaas Koster (Occidental Oil & Gas)- “The Bright Future of Geophysics”
- Keynote Speaker- Alex Cranberg (Aspect Holdings)- “3D and Me: Surveying the Last 30 Years”
Register on the DGS home page. Follow the link to, login if you have a User ID, then click the link to the 27th 3D Seismic Symposium. You can create a User ID HERE for no charge if you register as a Subscriber. If you have already registered, or not, please pass the word to your geophysicist, geologist, and engineering colleagues.
See you there!