29th 3D Seismic Symposium Registration Open

DGS 29th 3D Seismic Symposium Registration Open


Registration for the 29th 3D Seismic Symposium is now open. The 3DSS is Thursday March 7, 2024, 8:00am – 6:00pm. The activities begin, however, the evening of March 6 with the Rocky Mountain Region SEG Student Challenge Bowl and 3DSS Ice Breaker from 4:00pm-8:00pm. Both days are included with the one registration.

Check out the Technical Program below and register today HERE.

Sponsorships support this event and other DGS events and support local geophysics students. All sponsor levels include exposure at both the March 6 and March 7 events. Please consider sponsoring at one of the levels HERE.

Order of presentations subject to change.